przeniósł się chwilowo do Europy. To czas wakacji. Po drodze do Polski był mały
postój w Rzymie. „Wieczne Miasto” swoją antycznością i urokiem zawsze zachęca
do odwiedzin. Wszędzie tu widać bogatą historię Cesarstwa Rzymskiego i Kościoła.
Niemal każdy kamień mówi nam o bogactwie kultury ludzi tu żyjacych i daje świadectwo
naszej chrześcijańskiej wiary
To nie
pierwszy raz, jak odwiedzam Rzym, ale tym razem, po raz pierwszy miałem okazję
odwiedzić sarkofag naszego rodaka, papieża Jana Pawła II. Spoczywa on w
bazylice św. Piotra i Pawła, w kaplicy św. Sebastiana. To piękna kaplica,
znajdująca się pomiędzy „kaplicą Piety,” a kaplicą Najświętszego Sakramentu. Sarkofag
z napisem: “Beatus Joannes Paulus PP. II” umieszczony jest pod ołtarzem i
obrazem św. Sebastiana, męczennika. Po obu zaś stronach ołtarza, we wspaniałych
pomnikach, przypatrują się wszystkiemu dwaj wielcy papieże: Pius XI i Pius XII
że kaplica jest ciągle oblegana przez pielgrzymów. Brakuje miejsca w ławkach,
mimo, że przed kaplicą stoi strażnik, który wpuszcza do środka tylko tych, którzy
chcą się jedynie pomodlić. Nie ma tam miejsca dla gapiów i turystów.
czterech papieży spoczywa w bazylice. To wielki zaszczyt, że jednym z nich jest
polski papież. Reszta ma swoje grobowce w kryptach podziemnych.
Janie Pawle II Wielki, módl się za nami.
Kagaytrip moved to Europe this time. This is a holiday time. On the way, there
was a short break in Rome. “Eternal City” always attracts pilgrims and tourists
with its rich culture and history. Everywhere,
and on every street, you can find marks and ruins of the Roman Empire. There
are so many churches and symbols of our Catholic faith.
It is not a first time,
I was in Rome. But it is a first time, I had a chance to visit the tomb of our
late pope John Paul II. His crypt is placed in the St Peter and Paul’s
basilica, in the chapel of St. Sebastian.
The chapel of St.
Sebastian is located between the Chapel of the Pieta and the Chapel of the
Blessed Sacrament. The chapel is named
after the main figure in the mosaic above the altar, which was completed by
Pier Paolo Cristofari. Statues of Pius XI and Pius XII flank the right and left
sides of the altar, respectively. Under the altar, there is
the crypt of our Polish pope with his name written in Latin: “Beatus Joannes
Paulus PP. II.”
John Paul II was always
popular among many people. Thus, the chapel with his crypt is always crowded.
It is difficult to find a place to kneel or sit. Pilgrims faithfully count on
his intercession.
There are just four late
popes whose crypts are located in the basilica itself. It is a great honor that
one of them is our Polish pope. Others are placed in the basement under the
Blessed Pope John Paul
II the Great pray for us.
Z ks. J. Golonka, rektorem Kolegium Miedzynarodowego SCJ w Rzymie |
Ps. there are many people
who ask an intercession through blessed John Paul II in various needs. Below,
there are two novenas that might be helpful in our prayer.
Blessed John Paul II,
who are already in heaven, this is a novena for your intercession that
__________ becomes pregnant and delivers a healthy baby who will glorify and
praise God.
For people, certain
things are impossible to attain and sometimes people are unable to understand
God’s will, but we deeply believe in your intercession, JPII. You always
defended children; especially the unborn ones and you loved them above all.
Please look at __________ who is asking for biological children. Look at the
tears in her eyes, begging to become a mother.
St Ann, you gave birth at a late age to our Queen of heaven and earth, the Most Holy Mary. That is what God wanted. With God nothing is impossible.
We believe that God, Creator of heaven and earth will look kindly upon __________ and give her the blessing, through Mary, the Virgin Mother of God and John Paul II, of becoming a mother of her biological and adopted children whom she will love and thank God for.
Dear John Paul II, please help our prayers to be answered and that __________’s womb will be filled with the beating heart of a tiny baby. WE already give you thanks and sincerely believe in your intercession.
St Ann, you gave birth at a late age to our Queen of heaven and earth, the Most Holy Mary. That is what God wanted. With God nothing is impossible.
We believe that God, Creator of heaven and earth will look kindly upon __________ and give her the blessing, through Mary, the Virgin Mother of God and John Paul II, of becoming a mother of her biological and adopted children whom she will love and thank God for.
Dear John Paul II, please help our prayers to be answered and that __________’s womb will be filled with the beating heart of a tiny baby. WE already give you thanks and sincerely believe in your intercession.
Dear John Paul II, your
beloved mother also asked God for you to be born. Please remember our prayers.
O Holy Trinity, we thank you for
having given to the Church, Pope John Paul II, and for having made him shine
with your fatherly tenderness, the glory of the Cross of Christ and the
splendor of the Spirit of love.
He, trusting completely in your
infinite mercy and in the maternal intercession of Mary, has shown himself in
the likeness of Jesus the Good Shepherd and has pointed out to us holiness as
the path to reach eternal communion with you.
Grant us, through his intercession, according to
your will, the grace that we implore, in the hope that he will soon be numbered
among your saints. Amen
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