czwartek, 7 czerwca 2012


Karabao (Bubalus bubalis carabanesis) to typowe filipinskie zwierze. Jezeli podrozujesz przez wioski zapewne w wielu miejscach zauwazysz karabao.
Karabao (bawol wodny) powszechnie wykorzystywane jest tutaj do uprawy ziemi i transport na polach ryzowych lub w lesie. Gdy nie pracuje mozna je zobaczyc lezace w wodzie lud blocie. W ten sposob karabao odpoczywa, a zarazem chlodzi sie przed upalem i skwarem. Bloto, w ktorym czesto "kapie sie" karabao ochrania jego skore przed natretnymi owadami.
Karabao (kalabaw – nazwa lokalna) wywodzi sie od poczatkow z terenow pludniowej Azji. Jest roslinno-zerne i moze wazyc nawet 800 kg. Zyje do 20 lat. Z natury jest bardzo spokojne, i obok psa, uwazane jest tutaj za najlepszego przyjaciela czlowieka. Dzieci uwielbiaja sie z nim bawic i na nim jezdzic. To wspaniala zabawa.

The carabao (Bubalus bubalis carabanesis) is the national animal of the Philippines. It is a symbol of this country. If you travel through the countryside, you will certainly discover the carabao
The carabao (water buffalo) is still a very important draught-animal on the rice-fields. It is also used for pulling activities in the forest. Since the carabao has no sweat glands, it cools itself by lying in a waterhole or mud during the heat of the day. Mud, caked on to its body, also protects it from bothersome insects. Therefore, if not working, the water buffalo can be seen while it is resting, many times in a place of water and mud.
Carabaos (kalabaw – the local name) are indigenous to South Asia. The carabao eats grass and other vegetation, feeding mainly in the cool of the mornings and evenings. Adult carabao weighs seven to eight hundred kilograms and lives almost up to 20 years. Normally, they are silent and docile, but they will give a trembling snort if they are surprised. Local people see carabao, beside a dog, as a faithful partner in life. Often the kids have a fun while playing with this big animal.

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