Wiekszosc filiinczykow to katolicy. Okres Wielkiego Postu
jest wiec tu wiernie obchodzony. W ciagu 40 dni tego szczegolnego okresu
liturgicznego wiele sie dzieje w parafiach, miastach i w domach prywatnych. W
tym rozdziale mojego blogu wspomne jedynie o niektorych zwyczajach i
zachowaniach miejscowych ludzi. A jest ich wiele.
Po pierwsze, wiekszosc ludzi wybiera sobie postanowienie czy
nawet praktyke pokutna na czas Postu (ograniczenie palenia, picia alkoholu,
golenie glowy czy pomaganie biednym). To ma pomoc w lepszym przygotowaniu sie
do Swiat Wielkanocnych. W piatki obowiazuje wstrzemiezliwosc od pokarmow
miesnych, i wieczorem, w kosciolach lub na ulicach, odprawia sie Droge
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Krzyze zrobione z lisci palmy kokosowej |
Bardzo podniolsy character ma Wielki Tydzien. W Niedziele
Palmowa, na procesje z palmami, przychodza wszyscy mieszkancy wiosek. Kazdy z
nich przynosi palme. Liscie palm plecione sa w przerozne kszlalty i przypominaj
krzyz, kwiaty lub gwiazde. Poswiecone, a po mszy przyniesione do domu,
umieszczane sa w drzwiach lub oknach, aby odstraszaly zlego ducha. Przez caly
rok stanowia one piekna dekoracje domow.
Blogoslawionego Wielkiego Postu…
Since the majority of Filipinos are Catholics, lent is
observed throughout the country. It is a meaningful time of 40 days of preparation
for the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ. Thus, there are many organized activities
in the churches, towns and private houses in order to remind people about this
blessed time.
It is a common practice to make a resolution or decision for
Lent. Such practice is helpful for many to change their lives and be closer to
God. Others choose to abstain from little pleasures of life such as smoking or
drinking throughout the duration of lent.
Puszka "alay kapwa" naszych studentow |
“Alay Kapwa” (offering for neighbor) is a popular practice
among the Filipino families. Every member of a family, including children,
collects some money for poor people. They use for it the cans of Coke or Sprite. In the same spirit of “Alay Kapwa,” they reduce the
quantity of their daily food. At the end of lent, there is much rice and fruits
collected and saved for those who are in need.
On Palm Sunday, palm leaves are waved by the crowed during
the mass as a dramatic remembrance of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem… The
creativity of the Filipinos transforms the traditionally plain palm leaves into
intricately woven designs (into cross, star, flower). After blessing, during
the mass, they are brought to the houses and placed on the doors or windows to
ward off evil spirit. It is also nice decoration of the house throughout the
entire year.
Blessed Lenten Season…
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